The exact origins of NONAME currently remain unknown. It is suspected that it was created via the joint work of E-122's BLU-001 (SEO JEONG-HUI) and RED-002 (DIETRICH KRAUSE) Medics. How NONAME came to enter E-222 has been under debate, however, it is theorized that NONAME possesses some sort of transuniversal abilities allowing them to travel between the multiverse. How these abilities were acquired are currently unknown.


NONAME appears as a 6’1” androgynous humanoid person with extreme long white hair and pale skin. Additional notable features include lightness around the eyes consistent with a trail of tears, as well as unnatural silvery eye color. They possess a pair of additional appendages sprouting from their back. Such appendages are armored with metallic feathers which they appear to have complete control over and enable them to fly. They are often seen wearing a modified Mann Co. “Ward” coat, as well as large round glasses.

NONAME is incredibly timid in nature, and often flees at any sight of approaching personnel. They seem most comfortable in the home of E-123 BLU-001’s Scout (JAX XIAO), as well as their tailoring shop also housed in E-123.


SEO JEONG-HUI (E-122): Biological Father

DIETRICH KRAUSE (E-122): Biological Father

JAX XIAO (E-123): Adopted Sister

JUNO CORRERAS (E-███): Adopted Sister

CYRUS CORRERAS (E-███): Adopted Father